A clear understanding of the information is key. That is why we always work hand in hand and become part of each company’s team, we start and develop an exhaustive observation: looking at everything, hearing everything, feeling every part of the business and open our minds to get inside and understand what makes each business work and not work. We interview key business stakeholders, review every necessary material and document that exists, understand industry trends and the competitive landscape to start generating hypotheses and opportunities.
We analyze the challenges, strengths, advantages, that each company faces. This, coupled with trend and market analysis, along with a clear understanding of each company’s business objectives and how business works in the sector it inhabits. We then begin to explore the different scenarios of differential opportunities to stay relevant in the market.
We start defining in a co-creation work the north and the core of the brand, outlining the possible scenarios for a differentiating, credible, relevant and sustainable value proposition and brand strategy, understanding very well the real purpose of the organization: what makes it unique, why it exists and what is its contribution to the world.
We then ensure that this new strategy is expressed in an aligned way through an identity (visual and verbal) capable of correctly communicating the values and attributes at every touch point, and is the tangible reflection of a clear idea capable of generating a strong bond with each of the organization’s audiences.
Brands that achieve results are those that are able to change the thinking of the organization from the inside out.
To be on the road to success, there must be a clear understanding and alignment in the company under this new value proposition and the new brand. The organisation’s employees and collaborators are the first ambassadors of that brand.
Once there is this understanding and commitment to the new strategy is when we can begin to design and implement a plan to communicate our new brand to the rest of the world through a winning brand launch and communication campaign.
Branding really works when it delivers results, when the What is as strong as the Why. That’s why we launch, measure and continuously improve new or renewed brands, both internally and externally. The result? Brands that are well managed internally and deliver engaging experiences to those they serve.
Evaluation is a key part of the brand building process. The comparison between the strategic approach, the expected results and the results obtained, taking the defined performance indicators as a parameter, are of vital importance. Through evaluation we can be able to correct identified problems, see the need for new developments to those initially proposed and encourage constant improvement, and also provide data for the implementation of complementary strategies for the growth of the brand, and therefore for the growth of the business.