A&C Resources

Achieving Changes

In 2016, four friends with high trajectory in consulting decided to join forces and embark on a new path in their carrier.

This is how, Auditing & Consulting Resources (A&C Resources) was born.
A business consulting and organizational solutions firm, with extensive experience in Internal Audit, Governance, Risk and Compliance, Anti-Fraud Diagnostics,
Asset Management, Information Technology, among others, whose main objective is to provide its clients with comprehensive solutions that strengthen and improve their businesses.
With the firm conviction of helping companies to improve and grow and having as a base the wide experience in different disciplines and diverse economic sectors, industries and local and international companies, A&C Resources is dedicated to the delivery of value through the management and effective application of that knowledge and technologies to enhance the internal processes of the companies to which they provide services.
A&C Resources chose Noduz for a mission: to define a strategy that would allow them to explain their services in a more emotional way than this industry is used to.
The ambition was to create a value proposition that would give their clients a clear understanding of the full range of A&C’s services, and that would raise awareness of the importance and value of this suite of services for the growth of companies in an increasingly changing, demanding, complex and competitive market.
What we did
To help define the basis for the value proposition, we conducted a rigorous information-gathering process. We interviewed the four partners, key customers, internal staff who were new to the team, current customers, and related companies. We assessed the positioning of their competitors and explored how world-class and smaller consulting firms differentiate themselves and communicate their expertise and value. We began to understand not only the industry in which the brand plays, but also the potential it had to build its differential.
Co-creation hard work
We worked hand in hand with management to develop a brand core: Achieving change. 
We defined this approach by understanding the partners’ capabilities and conviction to “help companies discover the small details that need to change in their business processes to really grow and realize their full potential”. 
A more human approach to approach a perhaps rational service to approach the consulting discourse understanding that companies are the soul of progress.
Inspired by this purpose of A&C, we designed a creative platform and a visually simple but powerful narrative approach.
A propeller of progress
The logo, a 4-bladed propeller that evokes the 4 partners being the engine of the momentum that companies need to reach their potential. Accompanied by a visual system with simple shapes but with personality give a unique character to the identity.
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Giving emotion to the brand
The A&C, had a very literal meaning within the name: Auditing & Consulting, so we wanted to give a meaning to those two letters that transcended the rational meaning. 
To do this we gave it a creative twist and managed to blend the visual language with the verbal in all communications, giving meaning to both letters at every point of contact and that each piece where the brand spoke, starting with its Tagline: Achieving Changes.
The identity is a faithful reflection of the value proposition, achieving a balance between the rigor of the experience and quality of the A&C Resources team along with the purpose of its founders “to be catalysts for the progress of companies and to achieve the necessary changes to grow”.
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Interested in working together? Let’s talk

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Or you can contact one of our offices directly